
Install docker machine mac
Install docker machine mac

install docker machine mac

Replace with johnsmith (do not include any quotes).Use your editor to search and replace in the source.Enter your Docker Id from the above step into source Note: The directory infra contains all the Docker Deployment and Service files.Ĥ.


For Mac there is an icon for Docker in the System Bar.

  • Login to Docker from within the Docker app on your machine.

  • Download and Install Docker for Mac or Windows.
  • You will be using it a lot in the installation. You must be familiar with Docker and Kubernetes to understand this app. auth, client, common, expiration, orders, payments following dirctories require the following: Install this app in the directory of your choice
  • If a workflow passes its tests it is Deployed to the cloud server.
  • Each service has a workflow so changes in one workflow don't initiate testing or deployment of all services. GitHub Workflows control testing and deployment.


    Skaffold handles the workflow for building, pushing and deploying code during development on local machine.Most of code is Typescript with appropriate interfaces.Services include the common package into their service. Common code between the services is maintained by the NPM Package Manager.Events are controlled thru versioning so that they are processed in the order they are generated eliminating concurrency problems.node-nats-streaming provides backbone for this. Services create publishers and listeners to events. Communication between services is Event driven.No service shares a database with another service. Each service maintains own database ( Mongo).Failure of one service does not impact others. Each service is independent of all other services.

    install docker machine mac

    Not a service but the library of common code to be shared by all services. Removes orders that are in purchase cycle that have not been purchased within the specified time period. Provides support for credit card payments using Stripe. Lists all user orders, shows an order and deletes it. When user purchases a Ticket and Order is created. Creates, Lists, Show, and Updates Tickets. The CRUD application to handle Tickets the user wants to sell. This is the interface to the browser and will route requests to the various microservices. Uses JasonWebToken and Cookies to provide current user to all services. This app uses DigitalOcean, but can easily be ported to AWS, Google Cloud, etc. For production it is deployed to the cloud.

    install docker machine mac

    The app runs locally with Docker Desktop. The main point is the Microservices strategy employed. The UI is not critical and is bare bones. Payment for the ticket is through Stripe. Another user can find the Ticket and Purchase. Sign up, Create a Ticket you want to sell.

  • Write comprehensive tests to ensure each service works as designed.
  • Deploy a multi-service app to the cloud with Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Communicate data between services using a lightning-fast event bus.
  • Share reusable code between multiple Express servers using custom NPM packages.
  • Build a Server-Side Rendered React App to render data from your microservices.
  • Solve concurrency issues in a distributed systems environment.
  • Architect large, scalable apps using a collection of microservices.
  • This app is based upon the Udemy course Microservices with Node JS and React - Stephen Grider. From challenges with data replication to confusing unordered event streams, every major challenge of building microservices is covered. This app tackles every major issues around microservices head on. Microservices are the number one solution for building and scaling out apps that are intended to grow. See readme-cloud.md for description on deploying to the Cloud. This readme describes deployment to your desktop. A sample app to deploy, and scale an E-Commerce app using Microservices built with Node, React, Docker and Kubernetes.

    Install docker machine mac